

erotica as power

Turn those dreams into reality by combining two of my favourite things - sex and writing!

First, we explore the history and mechanics of erotica to develop opinions about what we find sexy both individually and as a society. We will then use our creative writing and workshopping skills to unleash all new creations.

how to get the
sex you want

Effective communication can be tricky, but when it comes to sex many people find it even more of a challenge. You can get better sex and intimacy just by enhancing your communication skills.

Come and learn some strategies for enhancing your communication in the bedroom to improve you and your partner(s) sex lives!


the elements
of pleasure

This workshop introduces the fundamentals of how pleasure affects our bodies, our lives and our sexuality. 

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pleasure constellations

This hands-on, creative arts therapy workshop offers a guided body-mapping session that allows people to reflect on how and where they receive pleasure in their bodies and map it using light.