pacita abed: pleasure & expression

ON REACHING 37, 1983

Acrylic, painted cloth, rick rack ribbons, handwoven yarn on stitched and padded canvas

In the realm of art, few artists have captured the essence of pleasure as vibrantly and passionately as renowned Filipino-American artist Pacita Abed (1955-2004). Her expressive works, influenced by her travels around the world, showcased bold colours, intricate patterns, and a celebration of cultural diversity.

Her unique artistic vision invites viewers into a world of sensory delight and often evokes a profound sense of joy. Through her art, Abed invites us to embrace pleasure as a fundamental aspect of the human experience and challenges us to explore its various dimensions. Her legacy continues to inspire cultural understanding and appreciation as her work unites the vibrancy of different cultures in a tapestry of patterns and stories that transcend cultural barriers and promote a harmonious fusion of artistic expression.

Beyond the visual, Abed's art often delves into themes of sensuality and emotion. Her expressive figures and abstract representations evoke a deep connection with our own innermost desires and feelings. Abed invites us to embrace our sensuality, to revel in the pleasure of our bodies, and to honour the rich tapestry of human emotions that make us who we are.

In a world that often associates pleasure with guilt and shame, I feel that Abed's art can become a journey of self-discovery, as we explore the depths of our own pleasure and desires. She invites us to release the societal constraints that inhibit our ability to fully embrace pleasure and to find liberation in celebrating our own unique sources of joy. Her fearless approach to creativity reminds us to revel in new experiences, to find beauty in the ordinary, and to cultivate a sense of wonder and curiosity. Pleasure is not only found in art, but can be woven into the fabric of our daily lives.

Pacita Abed's art is a testament to the transformative power of pleasure. Through her vibrant colours, expressive forms, and unapologetic celebration of the senses, she invites us to reimagine our relationship with pleasure and to honour its significance in our lives. Pleasure is not a luxury but an essential part of our human experience, capable of enriching and enlivening our existence in profound ways.

To learn more about Pacita Abed and explore her remarkable artistic journey, you can visit the official website dedicated to her work at The website offers a wealth of information about her life, exhibitions, artworks, and ongoing projects. Additionally, you can explore various art galleries, museums, and publications that feature Pacita Abed's work, providing deeper insights into her artistic legacy and contributions.


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